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I scrolled
through this blog leisurely. Plainly I discovered, nearly all my past posts are melancholic. I thought I’ll probably close off all the posts, it would be
better. But I thought I can’t possibly dictate how my feelings should feel or when to
feel whenever I come to express my emotions here. So I think, I’ll just let the posts be.
imbalance emotions at times, or even most of the times – is not a crime. Should
not be ashamed of it too. After all, human emotions are fickle. Therefore,
there’s no need to fight it.
myself space – a gap – between writing fiction and writing personal posts, is
necessary. I need to separate the fantasy and reality (writing on this journal,
that is) because hardship comes when both are intertwined. A blockage, a tug of war. Between
conscience and imagination. Hence, my pen then ceases to glide freely, the
writing pad remains empty.
But of course,
if I spent too much time extracting out the ‘pictures, scenes, people and sound’
from the imaginations in my head and try as might to turn it into words on paper, eventually my
core energy will get depleted.
And how do I recharge back? ….. Simply by
returning here - scribbling my journals.