November 20, 2016

Sunshine and Happiness

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After staring down for the longest time at my blank writing pad, and then up at the blank computer screen in front of me, I was discouraged. My brain simply would not churn out anything. It was already mid-morning.

Then, ... out of the blue … an idea came ...

I enticed myself - 'Eve, let’s play hooky today!’

Then ...

Just at about the same time, haloed Angel swiftly appeared and reprimanded me, 'Oh dear! But you haven’t even begun writing a single word yet! How do you expect to motivate yourself for this competition if you always succumbed to this wayward impulse of yours ?!’

Then I got peeved …

‘Oh bother, Angelica! It’s only for today! Besides, the sun is shining so bright and happy right now. I can’t possibly be writing gloomy stuff when my heart is suddenly lifted and light, fluttering ready to fly ?!’

Then …

Again, at about the same time, horned Devil confidently appeared to support, 'That is right dear! All work and no play makes Eve a dull/dumb/damned girl !! .. Now, there’s ice-cream in the freezer – go eat some. The sofa looks invitingly good too – go have a rest. Nobody’s watching the TV right now – go surf some Astro channels to watch, the remote is all yours …. Heh! Heh! Heh!’

Then, I …

‘You are absolutely right, Devilica! Today you are my friend! Today is a good day to enjoy myself. Today’s sunshine is absolutely making me so happy! Today spells P.L.A.Y. !!’

Then, but …

Angelica to Devilica – ‘You are a bad influence! You are so bad you have these terrible head horns that make you look so ugly! No wonder you are made to be avoided!’

Devilica to Angelica – ‘Oh hush! And you are such a dull pudge! That’s why nobody ever wants to take your advice and listen to you. You are so boring that your halo is always of the same boring colour! Haven’t you ever heard of Neon?’

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Then, I decided …

‘Shut up Angelica! …. Today I want to eat ice-cream! …  After that, I want to lie down on the sofa to relax, and while resting, I want to watch the full four-hour marathon re-runs of Anna Olsen’s baking show on AFC … !!’

And so, on this day – the Devil won the match.

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